서울대학교병원 배너
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위암센터 다학제집담회 400회 기념 국제 심포지엄

2021-09-24  ~  2021-09-27
조회수 : 3388 등록일 : 2021-09-24

Invitation to the International Symposium

We hope you are doing well and in health in spite of the COVID-19 situation.

On behalf of the SNUH gastric cancer team, we would like to invite you to the international symposium commemorating the 400th gastric cancer MDT conference at SNUH on 29th September this year. (16:00-18:30 Korean Standard Time)

The SNUH gastric cancer center started a multidisciplinary case conference (MDT) in 2005, and many interesting cases were discussed to find the best treatment option for the patients.
Experiences of the MDT programs in various countries will be introduced, and we expect practically useful discussions about the MDT activities.
In the symposium we will also have a memorial lecture for Pf. Byung-Ho Chin, who is an emeritus professor and the pioneer of the surgeon scientist of the department of surgery, SNUH.

You can participate in the symposium on-line and the registration is free. We also will be pleased if you can transfer the registration link to your colleagues who are interested in the symposium.

We are looking forward to seeing you in the symposium, and wish the discussions in the symposium would be helpful for your MDT activities in your practice.

Han-Kwang Yang, Hyuk-Joon Lee, Do-Joong Park, Seong-Ho Kong

Department of Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital
Gastric Cancer Center, Seoul National University Cancer Hospital

INQUIRIES | Secretariat of MDT Conference at Seoul National University Hospital
Email. conference.dot@outlook.kr

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